Paths to Marriage, Courtship in England and Wales c1700 to c 1945

Date / time: 26 October, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Paths to Marriage, Courtship in England and Wales c1700 to c 1945

This is a Local Population Studies Society conference. LPSS is devoted to the promotion of the study of historical demography, and associated topics in economic and social history, in local and regional contexts.Join us at our Autumn conference where our speakers will present a variety of papers on the marriage and courtship in England and Wales from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. Topics include regional courtship practices, romance, inter-racial marriage and migration for marriage.

To see a full list of speakers and to book a place go to

Conference fee, including refreshments, is £30 for LPSS members, £50 for non-members (which includes one year’s free online subscription to the LPSS Journal via IngentaConnect), and £20 for registered students.

Location:  Rewley House, Department of Continuing Education, University of Oxford, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA