The Alfred Denny Conference Room, University of Sheffield
Call for Papers, deadline – 26 January 2024
This one-day workshop will investigate Othering throughout different cultures and societies across the world during the twentieth century. This in-person workshop will examine what is meant by “Othering” and will evaluate how the impacts of this ambiguous process can be measured. The event will analyse who was Othered and will question how “the Other” was constructed and interpreted. The workshop will ask who was responsible for Othering and will question why this process took place. The workshop will likewise analyse how Othering took place in different ways along the lines of class, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexuality, and so forth.
We welcome papers from any researcher whose research examines Othering in the twentieth century in some way. We welcome papers from any discipline in the Arts and Humanities. We will accept papers on any culture, geographical area, or society during the twentieth century. We are particularly eager to accept papers from early career and postgraduate researchers.
The workshop is being generously funded and supported by the Social History Society. Tickets will be free and will be available on our website on Friday 23 February. We will provide lunch and refreshments for all speakers and attendees for free. We are also offering bursaries of up to £35.00 per speaker to cover the costs of travel.
Please visit our website at https://sites.google.com/sheffield.ac.uk/otheringworkshop/home?fbclid=IwAR0k9NmnJo-AbRPlMWTJwtQh-q5h606epW5cpZ1BfsNctfssfYAqoxybITk for further information.
If you would like to submit a 20-minute paper, please submit a 250-word abstract via the submission link on our website before the deadline at 12:00 pm on Friday 26 January. If you would like to apply for a bursary, please submit a 150-word statement alongside your abstract via the submission link on our website before the above deadline. Those who have been successful in their submissions and in their bursary applications will be informed by email by Friday 9 February. Successful applicants will be expected to confirm their attendance at the workshop by Friday 16 February.
The workshop will be held in the Alfred Denny Conference Room in the Alfred Denny Building at the University of Sheffield on Friday 22 March.