Join us for a free talk in central London on oral history and museums.Oral histories offer a unique insight into the past and deserve a place in every major museum collection. They provide an invaluable opportunity for researchers and visitors to learn about historic events from those who were present, in their own words.
Practitioners around the world have recorded an astonishing array of testimonies over the past half-century, from the recollections of Welsh miners to the experiences of those involved in the Mau Mau uprising.Yet oral histories present many challenges for those tasked with recording them, looking after them and making them available to the public. Their various forms and formats – whether CD, cassette, reel-to-reel tape or audio file – further complicates the task of curators, particularly in the digital age.Why and how should museums collect oral histories?
What is the best way to preserve them for future generations? What are the challenges of using them in galleries and exhibitions? Is it always ethical to collect and publish oral testimonies? How does GDPR affect access to these fascinating resources?
Join our panel of experts to discuss these issues and many more.Seminars start at 5.15pm in Wolfson NB01, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1 7HU.
All are welcome and there is no need to book.
Find out more about the Maritime History and Culture Seminars here: