Online Seminar Group: Medieval Wales and the Marches

Date / time: 31 December, 12:00 am

The Mortimer History Society is working in partnership with Professor Helen Fulton (Bristol), Dr Emma Cavell (Swansea), and Dr Sara Elin Roberts (Chester) to create an Online Seminar Group: Medieval Wales and the Marches, to provide a forum for academics and independent scholars to share research papers. The online seminar group, which will be multi-disciplinary, welcomes membership and papers on aspects of the social, economic, cultural, legal, and political history of medieval Wales and the Marches.

A mailing list of members is being assembled this term, along with a call for papers, with a view to seminars starting in spring term 2023.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please email Philip Hume at the email address below (indicating if you would like to offer a paper).

Philip Hume FSA
Secretary, Mortimer History Society