We are delighted to announce the programme for the next online workshop organised by the Medieval Finance Network. This will be on the subject of ‘The Costs of Catastrophe’. This workshop is an opportunity for Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers to share current research on the theme of the Costs of Catastrophe. Natural disasters – pandemics, poor harvests, floods, droughts, earthquakes – were a feature of the medieval world but how did these affect the finances of Governments, corporate institutions, communities and individual households, and how did they respond? Is it possible to quantify the costs of such catastrophes and conversely, what financial opportunities and benefits did they generate?
The workshop will be run online between 9am and 1pm GMT For details of how to join the workshop, please email andyford.marlow@btinternet.com.
Image details: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Middle_Ages-b.jpg