Medieval and Early Modern Festival 2024 – CALL FOR PAPERS

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Date / time: 22 April, 11:59 pm

University of Kent

Medieval and Early Modern Festival 2024 - CALL FOR PAPERS


Call for Papers, deadline – 22 April 2024

MEMS Festival is a friendly and student-run conference celebrating all aspects of medieval and early modern studies. It offers both postgraduate and final year undergraduate students the chance to present their research in a professional academic environment to a supportive group of peers. This year’s MEMS Festival will be held online and in-person at the University of Kent in Canterbury on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th June.

This year marks the tenth anniversary since the first MEMS Festival and we are really excited, not only to mark the tenth MEMS Festival with medieval and early modern researcher colleagues, but also to celebrate up-and-coming research within that community.

With our focus on interdisciplinary study, we welcome papers on a variety of topics relevant to the medieval and early modern period. These include, but are not limited to, history, politics, philosophy, theology, literature, drama, performance culture, music, Latin and vernacular languages, art history, architecture, archaeology, manuscript studies, and book history
As ever, our aim is to create an inclusive and welcoming space in which postgraduate and undergraduate students, early career researchers, and academics alike can gather, forge connections, and share their research.

We invite abstracts of up to 250 words for individual research papers of twenty minutes in length, or 700 words for a panel of three people presenting on a subject or theme. Please indicate which of the above themes best suits your paper.

All proposals should be emailed to by the 22nd of April.

For more information, please refer to our website for more general enquiries. Please do not hesitate to contact us via email at, if you have further questions.