Call for Papers, deadline – 15 March 2023
Submissions are now being sought for the 2023 Marjorie Chibnall Essay Prize, offered in memory of the former director of the Battle Conference on Anglo-Norman Studies and co-founder of the Allen Brown Memorial Trust. It is awarded for an unpublished scholarly paper based upon original research and relating to the study of the Anglo-Norman world, broadly defined, between c. 850 and c. 1250.
Candidates for the Prize are normally expected to be doctoral students in a recognised institution of Higher Learning, or within two years of having completed a doctorate (from the date the degree was awarded).
The winning paper will be awarded a place at the 2023 Battle Conference on Anglo-Norman Studies, to take place in London, at Senate House, from 19 to 22 July; the conference registration fee and expenses to a certain level will be covered. It is a condition of the Prize that the paper should be delivered at the conference following its award, and be submitted for exclusive publication in Anglo-Norman Studies.
The paper should be written in English, up to 8000 words in length (including footnotes), and be prepared to a consistent form of citation.
Candidates should send a covering letter, an abstract (between 200 and 250 words) of their paper, and their entry itself, to The Hon. Secretary of the Allen Brown Memorial Trust, Ms Caroline Palmer, via an email attachment to Cpalmer@boydell.co.uk with the three documents combined into one file. The letter should make a statement as to the originality of the work; an indication of how the candidate qualifies for entry to the competition; agreement to the terms of the Prize competition; and name, postal address, email address, and institutional details.
Entries must be submitted by 15 March 2023. Previously unsuccessful candidates may reapply, but must address a new topic.
The winner will be announced in early April, the work having been judged by a selection committee made up of representatives of the Trust; their decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into. The Trustees reserve the right not to make an award should no essay of sufficient quality be entered.
It is planned to include a poster session for ECRs during the conference. For further details please contact Dr Leonie Hicks: leonie.hicks@canterbury.ac.uk.
Image: Wiki Commons