Low Countries History Seminar – Spring/Summer 2016

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Date / time: 15 January - 3 June, 5:15 pm

Wolfson Room, Institute of Historical Research

Low Countries History Seminar - Spring/Summer 2016

Convenors: Anne Goldgar (King’s College London), Ben Kaplan (UCL), Ulrich Tiedau (UCL), Joanna Woodall (Courtauld)

Meetings: Fridays at 5:15 pm at the Institute for Historical Research, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. All meetings except 18 March in Wolfson Room NB0, in the Basement.

Spring Term

15 January 2016: Ariadne Schmidt (Leiden), ‘Crime and gender before the Dutch courts, 1600–1810’

12 February 2016: Jeroen Puttevils (Antwerp), ‘Designing markets for gambling in the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Low Countries: the case of lotteries’

11 March 2016: Bart Ramakers (Groningen), ‘Paradigms of Virtue: Building Moral Character in the Early Modern Netherlands’

18 March 2016: David Ormrod and Valentina Caldari (Kent), ‘Trade rivalry, foreign policy and the crises of the 1620s in England and the Netherlands’ – joint session with the Economic and Social History of the Early Modern World seminar

Summer Term

6 May 2016: Sachiko Kusakawa (Cambridge), ‘The Dutch contexts of William Courten’s (1642–1702) Collections’

20 May 2016: Myriam Greilsammer (Bar Ilan), ‘The UUterste Wille of Lowys Porquin (1563): Catholic Schoolbook or Subversive Calvinist Educational Manual?’

3 June 2016: Catherine Arnold (Yale), ‘“Through the powerful Intercession of the Maritime Powers”: Religious Networks, Transnational Lobbying, and Anglo-Dutch interventions on behalf of foreign Protestants and Jews, 1690–1748’