Love and Material Culture – CONFERENCE

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Date / time: 3 February, 10:00 am - 6:30 pm

St Mary's University, Twickenham

Love and Material Culture - CONFERENCE


Philosophers, historians, theologians, and literary scholars have identified love in myriad ways: its conception as a cultural practice, something which is rooted in a feeling of being at home, a form of madness, a form of ‘self-disclosure’ which is exemplified in the divine, a tool of power and politics, and something which might be produced from a tension between feelings and duty.

These discussions have been further developed by recent research which connects emotions and material culture; scholars have suggested how material objects might serve as the locus for emotions, effecting change for people’s emotions, or contributing to memories and remembrance.

In this conference, we will enjoy a range of papers on love and material culture – the programme will be finalised on Monday 23rd January. We are delighted to share that the keynote will be delivered by Dr Sally Holloway!

For more information and to register, please visit:


Image: Wiki Commons