Legal history, Literature and the Arts

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Date / time: 26 May, 12:00 am

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London

Call for Papers, deadline – 28 April 2023

Hosted by the Open University Law School’s legal history research cluster, this one-day event will explore legal history through art, architecture and literature. It is deliberately broad in scope to allow connections and fresh approaches to be developed. We welcome presentations in a variety of formats including 20-minute papers and workshops, and from academics at all career stages including postgraduate researchers. Attendance at the conference will be free of charge.

Subjects may include but are not limited to:

  • Legal history and genre literature (science fiction, crime fiction, romance, etc)
  • Legal history and drama
  • Art, artists and legal history
  • Contested heritage
  • Legal architecture
  • Exploring and communicating legal history through art
  • Comparative, transnational and international approaches

Proposals should be submitted to

  • Papers: an abstract of not more than 250 words
  • Panels: a summary of the panel topic and rationale, with an abstract for each paper of no more than 200 words
  • Workshops and other formats: an outline of not more than 500 words, including suggested length and any facilities required