Selden Society Lecture: Professor Sir John Baker in conversation with His Honour Donald Cryan
John Selden (1584-1654) was one of the leading figures in pre-Revolution England. Famously, John Milton said of him that he was, “the chief of learned men reputed in this land”. Today we would call him a polymath. He was a lawyer, historian, politician and Hebraic Biblical scholar. He used his unparalleled knowledge of history to support his legal arguments against the King’s use of excessive executive power and his activities saw him imprisoned in the Tower of London alongside other leading parliamentarians. And yet, his name has not entered popular culture along with his admirers such as Ben Johnson or Thomas Hobbes.
Professor Sir John Baker will discuss with His Honour Donald Cryan the use of legal history by Selden in the public sphere. In-person and online from the Temple Church.
Free but booking is essential.
To book: www.innertemple.org.uk/selden
In-person and online from the Temple Church, London, EC4Y 7BB