The Anthropocene Histories seminar series explores the historical matrix of the ‘Anthropocene’, the proposed (and contested) geological epoch marking the earth system’s profound alteration by human activities. Proposed dates for the Anthropocene range from 50 to 10,000 years ago and this seminar takes a similarly wide perspective, both chronologically and disciplinarily.The panellists for this seminar will address the question ‘Are animals a new subaltern in the history of empires?’
- Rohan Deb Roy (Reading)
- Antoinette Burton (Illinois)
- Renisa Mawani (University of British Columbia)
- Aleks Pluskowski (Reading)
All welcome
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This seminar is part of the Anthropocene Histories Partnership Seminar Series with UCL Anthropocene and Institute of Historical Research Twitter: @AnthropoceneUCL
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