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Date / time: 15 November, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London

A one-day programme organised by the IHR and Senate House libraries, ideal for postgraduate students and early career researchers.
• An open history fair with information and advice about using history collections
• One-on-one clinics in practical research skills
• Introductory sessions on training and research skills in libraries, archives and digital resources
Open all day 10:00-16:00
Panel sessions
- Public History, 10:30 to 11:15, with Prof. Lawrence Goldman (IHR), Dr Alix Green (Essex) and Dr Suzannah Lipscomb (NCH)
- Libraries versus Archives! 11:30-12:30, with Dr Julian Harrison (British Library ), Isobel Hunter (The National Archives), Victoria Northwood (Independent archivist), Dr Richard Espley (Senate House Library) and Lesley Ruthven (Goldsmiths)
- Digital research. 14:00 to 14:45
- Keep Calm and use Business Archives! (Dr Roy Edwards) 15:15 to 15:45
Enquiries to historyday@london.ac.uk