Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London
Seminars are held on alternate Thursdays at 5.30pm, at the Institute of Historical Research.
4 May: A Fraction of a Man: Dieting the Female Prisoner, 1843-1913. Nadja Durbach (University of Utah)
18 May: Symbols of Sovereignty: Food, Pageantry and Propaganda in Lancastrian England and France. Vanessa King (Goldsmiths, University of London)
1 June: Legitimising Food: Mughal Imperial Ideology and Food Practices. Neha Vermani (Royal Holloway, University of London)
15 June: A Transnational Food Company’s Involvement in Public Health and Humanitarian Relief in Europe. Lola Wilhelm (The Graduate Institute, Geneva)
29 June: The Various Functions of Austrian Manuscript Recipe Books. Helga Mullneritsch (University of Liverpool)
Seminars are free to attend and open to all. For further details, please see http://www.history.ac.uk/events/seminar/food-history or email foodhistoryseminar@gmail.com