IHR Creighton Lecture 2015: The Outbreak of the First World War: why the debate goes on

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Date / time: 30 November, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Wolfson Conference Centre, Senate House, IHR

IHR Creighton Lecture 2015: The Outbreak of the First World War: why the debate goes on

Professor Margaret MacMillan (University of Oxford) will be the guest lecturer at the IHR’s Creighton Lecture 2015.

Lecture: 6.00pm

Reception: 7.30pm

This lecture is free and open to all but registration is required.

To register for this event visit http://creighton2015.eventbrite.co.uk or RSVP to the IHR Events Office (IHR.Events@sas.ac.uk).