History Now and Then – History as Heritage

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Date / time: 11 November, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London

History Now and Then - History as Heritage

The second in a new series of public seminars on current issues raised by the study of the past.

History as Heritage’: the preservation, distortion and commercialisation of the past.

Chair: Daniel Snowman

Speakers: Jonathan Glancy, Robert Hewison, Anna-Maria Misra, Simon Thurley

Registration is required. Tickets are £5 per session or £25 of all 6 sessions.

To register for this seminar visit: http://www.history.ac.uk/events/browse/18505

Attendance is free if you are a Friend of the IHR.

For any queries relating to this event, please contact the IHR Events Office at IHR.Events@sas.ac.uk