Histories of Scottish Politics in the Age of Union, c.1700-1945 – CONFERENCE

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Date / time: 23 July - 24 July, 9:45 am - 3:30 pm

Collingwood College Penthouse Suite, Durham University

Histories of Scottish Politics in the Age of Union, c.1700-1945 - CONFERENCE


Registration is open, via the conference website, and will close for in-person attendance on 4 July and for online attendance on 18 July. 

Register here: https://www.durham.ac.uk/departments/academic/history/events/histories-of-scottish-politics-in-the-age-of-union-c1700-1945/ 

Join us for two days of discussion about the place of politics and the meaning of the political in modern Scotland, a period of massive political, constitutional, economic, environmental, religious and social change in Scotland, the UK and the empire. The conference features 40 paper presentations, a keynote on ‘Where did the nineteenth century go?’ and a roundtable on ‘The future of Scottish political history?’.

The conference is hybrid and free to attend.

Day One: Tuesday 23 July 2024

9.45AM – 10.20AM Registration (Lobby) and refreshments (Boardroom)

10.20AM – 12PM Panel Session 1

Panel 1.A (Room A) Courtroom politics

  • Kajsa Varjonen, ‘Politics in the courtroom: The prosecution of rioters after the 1725 Malt Tax crisis’
  • Emma Macleod, ‘Enlightenment justice: the Scottish trials for sedition and treason in comparative context, 1793-98’
  • Valerie Wallace, ‘William Macao and the politics of subjecthood in the courts’
  • Rachel Bennett and Lauren Darwin, ‘This trial is no trivial matter. It affects me, but it affects the country more’: The Scottish Martyrs, Scots law and convict transportation to the Australian colonies’

Panel 1.B (Room B) The politics of abolition

  • Matthew Lee, ‘The Haitian Revolution, abolitionism and pro-slavery thought in the Scottish public sphere, 1791-92’
  • Stephen Mullen, ‘The West India interest’s takeover of the Scottish political system in the abolition era, 1807-34’
  • Frankie Aird, ‘“A Manifest Violation of Justice and Humanity”: The campaigns against British and American slavery in nineteenth-century Perthshire’
  • James Wylie, ‘Tartan and slavery: surveying the evidence’

12PM – 12.40PM Lunch (Boardroom)

12.40PM – 2.20PM Panel Session 2

Panel 2.A (Room A) Land and environment

  • Grace Wright, ‘“Damn the fellow”: the organisation and prevention of land agitation in the social networks of Dugald MacLachlan during the Crofters’ War’
  • Annie Tindley, ‘The politics of the Scottish land market: from Lloyd George’s Land Campaign to community ownership’
  • Graeme Morton, ‘Patronage and politics within Scotland’s climate science, 1820-1921’
  • Sarah Leith, ‘Beauty and the Hydro-Electric Board: Revisiting “use and delight” in mid-twentieth-century Scotland’

Panel 2.B (Room B) Women in politics

  • Natalee Garrett, ‘Fashionably Scottish: The Duchess of Gordon and Scottish identity in British high society, c.1770-1810’
  • Hannah Speed, ‘Lifelong political identities in the autobiographies of Scottish women’s suffrage campaigners’
  • Lisa Berry-Waite, ‘The Duchess of Atholl: Scotland’s first woman MP’
  • Katie McCrossan, ‘Un-co-operative parties? The Scottish Co-operative Women’s Guild and Labour Politics’

2.20PM – 2.40PM Refreshments (Boardroom)

2.40PM – 4PM Panel session 3

Panel 3.A (Room A) Friendship and feeling

  • Michael Fraser, ‘The Public face of the Argathelian regime: The image of John Campbell, Second Duke of Argyll, c.1704-1733’
  • Brendan Tam, ‘Henry Dundas, “The Friends of Mr. Pitt” and Networks of Political Friendship, 1783-1811’
  • Nicholas Barone, ‘“I used to…think about Scotland in my hours of bitterness”: Pessimism, decline and patriotic anxiety in Scottish political thought, 1800-1850’

Panel 3.B (Room B) Political faith

  • Edwin Sheffield, ‘Clan MacKenzie and Ross-shire politics after Union, c.1708-1715’
  • Myles Smith, ‘“Sour Saints and Bad Subjects”: Scottish presbyterian dissent and the British state, 1775-1815’
  • Joshua Smith, ‘Politics in the Presbytery: political participation and reaction in the Presbytery of Dunblane, 1790-1832

4PM – 4.20PM Refreshments (Boardroom)
NB: During this break rooms A and B will be joined to make Penthouse Suite Room A/B

4.20PM – 5.30PM Keynote talk (Penthouse Suite Room A/B)

  • Ewen Cameron, ‘Where did the nineteenth century go?’

5.30PM – 6.45PM Drinks reception (Boardroom)
Co-sponsored by Centre for Nineteenth Century Studies and History of Parliament Trust

7PM – Conference dinner

Day Two: Wednesday 24 July

8.45AM – 9.15 AM Registration (Lobby) and refreshments (Boardroom)

9.15AM – 10.35AM Panel session 4

Panel 4.A (Room A) Twentieth-century politics

  • Jim Tomlinson, ‘From a globalised economy to national economy? The economic foundations of a new national politics in Scotland, 1914-45’
  • Sarah Moxey, ‘All quiet on the political front? Politics in Second World War Scotland’
  • Matthew Nicolson, ‘Island politics and the Liberal Party’s revival in Orkney and Shetland, 1945-50’

Panel 4.B (Room B) Popular politics

  • Karin Bowie, ‘Scottish petitioning in a British context from the Revolution of 1688-90’
  • Colin Kidd, ‘The contours of modern Scottish republicanism’
  • Richard Huzzey and Henry Miller, ‘And Your Petitioners: Scottish petitions, subscriptional communities and petitioning, 1780-1918’

10.35AM – 10.55AM Refreshments (Boardroom)

10.55AM – 12.15PM Panel session 5

Panel 5.A (Room A) Constituency and parliamentary politics

  • Gary D. Hutchison, ‘The Scottish Conservative Party outwith Scotland, 1832-68’
  • Martin Spychal, ‘Surveying Scottish county politics in the constituencies and at Westminster, 1832-68’
  • Kyle Thompson, ‘The Young Scots and English carpetbaggers’

Panel 5.B (Room B) Spaces and places

  • Thomas Archambaud, ‘Scotland’s imperial meridian: the politics of James and John Macpherson in London, Madras and Calcutta, 1764-87’
  • Petra Johana Poncarová, Ruaraidh Erskine’s Gaelic magazines: nationalism, language and faith in the early twentieth century’
  • Oli Betts, ‘“On Historic Ground”: The politics of building and running railways in Scotland, 1844-1923’

12.15PM – 12.55PM Lunch (Boardroom)

12.55PM – 2.15PM Panel session 6

Panel 6.A (Room A) Radical politics

  • Dominic Barron-Carter, ‘After Orbitson: Retracing “rank and file” experiences of early cooperative communities in nineteenth-century socialism’
  • Sonny Angus, ‘“Working Men Cling to Your Text”: Christian Chartism in Scotland’
  • Dave Steele, ‘The 1838 Chartist meting on Glasgow Green: Triumph or damp-squib’

Panel 6.B (Room B) Constitutional politics

  • Laura Stewart, ‘The (re-)imagining of the Scottish constitution before 1707’
  • Stuart Neave, ‘Bryce, Argyll and the “forces” underlying the British constitution’
  • David Torrance, ‘Dreaming of Stormont: Northern Ireland as a model for Scottish devolution’

2.15PM – 2.30PM Refreshments (Boardroom)
NB: During this break rooms A and B will be joined to make Penthouse Suite Room A/B

2.30PM – 3.30PM Roundtable (Penthouse Suite Room A/B)

  • The future of Scottish political history?
    Ewen Cameron, Colin Kidd, Emma Macleod, Naomi Lloyd-Jones, Malcolm Petrie, Valerie Wallace