Historical Drama in Early Modern Europe (c.1550-1650): An Interdisciplinary Conference

Date / time: 1 April, 12:00 am

Call for Papers, deadline – 1 April 2023

Early modern history plays dramatized the recent and distant past for audiences and readers across Europe. While there is a wealth of scholarship on individual national traditions, European history plays have been rarely studied from comparative, interdisciplinary and multilingual perspectives. This conference will explore a range of questions. What was the relationship between historical drama and other forms of historical writing? How did vernacular and neo-Latin history plays respond to major political events and religious conflicts, both at home and abroad? How far did history plays exert influence across national borders?

Confirmed keynote speakers: Paulina Kewes (Oxford) and Blair Worden (Oxford)

Proposals for papers of 20 minutes are invited. We particularly welcome papers that consider historical drama in relation to one or more of the following topics:

  • Genre & form
  • Sources and intertexts
  • Historical writing and the news
  • Transnational/comparative perspectives (e.g. martyr drama in differentreligious or national traditions)
  • Neo-Latin history plays
  • Staging and theatre history
  • Publication & paratexts
  • Reception, uses, and afterlife

Please send abstracts of up to 500 words along with a brief biographical note (including institutional affiliation) to rv@sdu.dk by 1 April. Delegates will be informed by 1 May.

The organizers are keen to attract early career researchers and will offer a limited number of travel grants for PhD students and early career researchers presenting papers. Potential candidates traveling from abroad are encouraged to apply. In order to be taken into consideration for a travel grant, please submit employment info along with a brief summary of needs to the organizers.

The conference is organized as part of the research project HISTORIES: Assessing the Role of Aesthetics in the Historical Paradigm, 1550-1650, at the University of Southern Denmark, and sponsored by the VELUX Foundations.

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