Early modern history plays dramatized the recent and distant past for audiences and readers across Europe. While there is a wealth of scholarship on individual national traditions, European history plays have been rarely studied from comparative, interdisciplinary and multilingual perspectives. This conference will explore a range of questions. What was the relationship between historical drama and other forms of historical writing? How did vernacular and neo-Latin history plays respond to major political events and religious conflicts, both at home and abroad? How far did history plays exert influence across national borders?
Confirmed keynote speakers: Paulina Kewes (Oxford) and Blair Worden (Oxford).
Conference participation is free, but requires sign-up via Eventbrite. Non-contributors, who’d like to enjoy meals, should make a note at sign-up or contact rv@sdu.dk. Fees:
- One-day delegate rate including lunch, coffee, danish: 45 GBP
- Two-day delegate rate including lunch, coffee, danish: 90 GBP
- College dinner one evening: 45 GBP
- College dinner both evenings: 90 GBP
Historical Drama in Early Modern Europe. An Interdisciplinary Conference
Jesus College, University of Oxford, 8-9 September 2023
For more information and to register, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/historical-drama-in-early-modern-europe-an-interdisciplinary-conference-tickets-633150027777