Historical Association Central London Branch 2016-17 Lectures and events

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Date / time: 15 October - 22 April, 2:00 pm

Institiute of Historical Research

Historical Association Central London Branch 2016-17 Lectures and events

Lectures start at 2pm on Saturdays at the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 6BT

Lectures are free to HA Members – £3 non Members

Saturday 15 October 2016:  Presidential Lecture ‘Chicago and the Rise of the Skyscraper’ (Professor David Stephenson)

Saturday 10 December 2016: Derek Knights Memorial Lecture ‘Richard III: a failed King?’ (Dr Rosemary Horrox)

Saturday 4 February 2017:  Lecture ‘The British Army’s Victory in Afghanistan in 1880’ (Dr Rodney Atwood)

Saturday 22 April 2017:  Lecture ‘What Victorians Threw Away, 1870-1914’ (Dr Tom O Licence)

For details of all lectures and events, download the:

2016-17 HA Central London Branch Programme PDF (1)

2016 -17 HA Central London Branch Booking Form PDF (1)