The National Archives
Join us for a one-off hands on document display of state papers, covering the period from the Bill of Rights in 1689 to the Death of William III in March 1702.
Assembled as part of a volunteering project, the collection is taken from the SP 32 ‘State Papers Domestic, William and Mary’ and the SP 33 ‘Large Document’ county tax assessments (Cornwall to Yorkshire).
Come and browse an extremely diverse collection, including material on topics such as the ‘Williamite’ War in Ireland, international trade, the long-drawn out illness of Carlos II of Spain, the military expeditions to Europe as part of the ‘Grand Alliance’ against Louis XIV of France, and piracy (one of several highlights being the reported capture by William Kidd in 1698 of a 400-ton merchantman).
This event is free and on a drop in basis at The National Archives in Kew – please do register but be aware that there may be a short waiting time at busy periods.
Book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hands-on-history-document-display-state-papers-domestic-william-and-mary-tickets-350492942827?aff=media