Fashion, Clothing, and Textiles in London History – CALL FOR PAPERS

Date / time: 31 May, 11:59 pm

Fashion, Clothing, and Textiles in London History - CALL FOR PAPERS


Fashion, Clothing, and Textiles in London History

London and Middlesex Archaeological Society (LAMAS)
Local History Conference
Saturday 16th November 2024
Museum of London Docklands

Call for Papers, deadline – 31 May 2024

The theme of this one-day conference is Fashion, Clothing, and Textiles in London History. The theme is intentionally broad to allow for wide and varied interpretations of the idea. We are interested in any aspect of the clothing and fashion industry, broadly defined, in any period of London’s history. This might also extend to the textile industry more widely, but the focus should remain largely on clothing, accessories, and fashion.

The organisers of the conference are seeking proposals from local historians, academics, postgraduate students, and anyone with a scholarly interest in the history of London for engaging and accessible talks or presentations of around 20-25 minutes. The LAMAS Local History Conference attracts a keen ‘general interest’ audience as well as many members of local history societies from across London and its surrounding counties who have more specialised interests.

Papers on any aspect of fashion, clothing, and textiles in London history are welcomed. Themes might include:

  • Design and manufacture of clothing or accessories.
  • Marketing and retailing of clothing or accessories.
  • Advertising of clothing or accessories.
  • Second-hand and used clothing.
  • Exhibitions or showcases of clothing or accessories.
  • Patents or innovations in clothing or accessories.
  • Production or sourcing of materials for clothing.
  • Social and cultural relationships between people and clothing.
  • Uniforms and institutional clothing.
  • Charity and clothing.
  • Repairing and/or re-purposing clothing.

Proposals comprising an abstract of no more than 500 words should be sent, preferably via e-mail, to John Price or via the Department of History, Goldsmiths University of London, New Cross, London, SE14 6NW.

The closing date for proposals is Friday 31 May 2024. Speakers will be selected and contacted by the end of June 2024.


Image: WikiCC 1.0