University College London

A Graduate Workshop with UCL Special Collections
This graduate training workshop will cover topics in:
- Palaeography and Cataloguing of Medieval Manuscripts and Fragments
- Manuscript Transcription and Scholarly Editing
- Introduction to the Digital Edition: Challenges and Best Practices
- Collaborative Editing
- XML, Text Encoding Fundamentals and the TEI Schema
This workshop covers the fundamentals of digital editing while tackling the codicological challenges posed by manuscript fragments. Practical sessions inform collective editorial decision making:participants will undertake the work of transcription and commentary, and encode(according to TEI P5 protocols) the text and images of a medieval manuscript roll or fragment. The workshops will result in a collaborative digital edition.
The workshop will run 8-9 December 2017 (Friday & Saturday 9.00am-5.00pm). This graduate run workshop is free of charge. The workshop is limited to 12 places; preference will be given to graduate students with a demonstrated need for training in manuscript study and text encoding.
An information booklet and syllabus can be found here – please read this document before applying, (https://goo.gl/forms/gCivhNiRmpSQT7tD2). and apply online by November 20th.
Applicants will be notified whether they can be offered a place by November 26th.No prior palaeography or encoding experience is required.
For more information, see the project website (http://www.digitalrollsandfragments.com/workshops), or email the London organisers at: demmrlondon@gmail.com