Constitutional Acts of Scotland: 1320-2016. And Beyond?

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Date / time: 12 May - 13 May, 12:00 am

Faculty of Law, University of Bologna, Ravenna (Italy)

Constitutional Acts of Scotland: 1320-2016. And Beyond?


A two-day inter-disciplinary conference examining the constitutional history of Scotland in its relationship with England, before and after the Union, will be hosted by the University of Bologna in its Ravenna campus. Historians as well as scholars in the fields of constitutional and comparative law, both from the UK and from Italy, will meet in the former Byzantine capital of Italy to discuss the constitutional acts and documents that have marked the evolution of the bond between these countries and nations.

The time-span covered by the different papers will go from the Middle Ages to the present, touching the events that led first to the Union and later to Devolution and, perhaps, Independence. On the one hand, attention will be focused on the acts and documents connected with the evolution of Anglo-Scottish institutions. On the other hand, also those that relate to the building or denial of a national and/or political Scottish identity, vis-à-vis an English one, will come under scrutiny.

All papers and discussions will be in English. The conference will be an in-person event, but the organizers are exploring the possibility of opening it also to online participants: should you be interested in this prospect, please drop a line at the email address below.

Participation to the conference is free of charge, but prior registration is required at the following link: Registration closes on 5 May.

For more details please visit and/or contact Ugo Bruschi (

Image details: The Kingdome of Scotland. Performed by Iohn Speed, 1610. Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland.