Registration is now open for the Collections in Circulation conference organised by the AHRC Mobile Museum project, to take place at Kew Gardens on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th May 2019.
Full details of the programme, abstracts and biographies of all speakers are now available on the project website (https://royalholloway.ac.uk/mobilemuseum/conference)
Full registration (including lunches and reception) is £80; the reduced rate for postgraduates and unwaged is £40. Please note that the early bird booking deadline is 18 March 2019.
Details of how to register are available on the conference booking page (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/collections-in-circulation-international-conference-registration-53049015032)
Speakers include Claudia Augustat (Vienna), Paul Basu (London), Joshua Bell (Washington), Martha Fleming (Copenhagen), Tony Kanellos (Adelaide), Sally Gregory Kohlstedt (Minneapolis), Luciana Martins (London), Wayne Modest (Amsterdam), Catherine Nichols (Chicago), Jude Philp (Sydney), Daniel Simpson (London), Alice Stevenson (London), and members of the Mobile Museum project team.
Location: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew