Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London
Sponsor: British Academy/Leverhulme Foundation Venue: Institute of Historical Research, London Date: 15 October 2016 (Saturday)
Website: http://www.wnhl1400.org
Organizers: Anja-Silvia Goeing (Harvard), Glyn Parry (Roehampton), Mordechai Feingold (Caltech)
Research Questions
Institutions of higher education could not operate without the supply of different materials that helped every-day learning and teaching. They sought co-operative and inter-regional networks of trade and skills: how did the marketing of book along trade routes reflect the connections between regionally, nationally and internationally-connected universities and colleges? How were objects for natural philosophy courses or the scholarly collection of a university produced and merchandised?
Workshop Programme
10:00 Welcome by the Organizers (Coffee)
10:10–10:45 Jane Stevenson (The University and King’s College of Aberdeen): Domestic Academies
10:45–11:20 Martina Hacke (University of Düsseldorf): The Messengers of the University of Paris and the Book Trade (late 15th – 16th cent.)
11:30–12:05 Urs B. Leu (Zentralbibliothek Zürich): The Cooperation between Professors and Printers in Basle and Zurich during the Early Modern Period
12:05–12:40 Alette Fleischer (Independent Scholar): Travelling salesmen or scholarly travellers? Early modern botanists on the move marketing their knowledge of nature.
13:55–14:30 Iolanda Ventura (Université d’Orleans): University Prologues as Instrument of Marketing
14:40–15:15 Ian Maclean (University of Oxford): Authors and international publication in 1700: the case of Georgio Baglivi (1668-1707)
15:15–15:50 Matthew Daniel Eddy (Durham University/Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin): Prelude to Literacy: The Utility of Note keeping in Scottish Schools and Academies
16:00–16:35 Peter Davidson (University of Oxford): How the University of Aberdeen acquired things and from whence
16:35–17:10 G. M. (Bert) van de Roemer (University of Amsterdam): The Academy of Science in St. Petersburg. Promoting science and art in Russia
Conclusive Discussion to 17:30