Magdalen College Oxford & online

Children and Politics Colloquium
Monday 24th June 9.30am-5pm
Centre for the History of Childhood | Magdalen College Oxford and online
Register to attend in person (in Oxford): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/children-and-politics-colloquium-in-person-tickets-907678098627?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
Register to attend online: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/children-and-politics-colloquium-online-tickets-907728459257?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
9.30 Welcome – Helen Sunderland (University of Oxford)
9.45-11.15 Political Violence
Jack Hodgson (University of Roehampton) Youth Activism and the Political Martyrdom of Christopher Seider in Colonial Boston
Julie Partsch (University of Oxford) Children of the Struggle: Experiences of Secrecy, Social Ostracisation, and Community by Children of Anti-Apartheid Activists in the 1950s-1960s
Lucy Newby (Manchester Metropolitan University) “I didn’t join ‘cos of a bitterness in my heart, I joined because I didn’t like being alone.” Teenage paramilitarism, youth politics and the popular imagination during the Northern Ireland Troubles, 1969-1998
11.35-12.35 Keynote Paper: Arathi Sriprakash, Claire Stewart-Hall, and Alice Willatt (University of Oxford) Reparative Histories of Schooling
1.35-3.05 Democratic Practices
Anna Bocking-Welch (University of Liverpool) Young Petitioners in Twentieth-Century Britain
Helen Sunderland (University of Oxford) ‘“Town Council” in their ’Teens’: Young People and Local Democracy in Postwar Britain
Kit Kowol (Queensland Parliament, Brisbane) “Dear Mr Wilson, I am very sorry the Conservatives are getting all the votes. I am only ten or I would vote for you myself.”: Children writing to politicians in Modern Britain
3.25-4.55 Organised Activism
Björn Lundberg (Lund University) Youth against Apartheid: Youth Organizations and the formation of an Anti-Apartheid Movement in Sweden, 1960–1968
Victoria Cain (Northeastern University) The Double Age of Privacy: Sexual Politics of American Adolescence, 1967-1992
Rosie Walters (Cardiff University) “It’s like, do you really wanna go to Girl Up or do you wanna go to Tesco?”: Girls, ambivalence and activism in school feminist clubs
4.55 Close – Helen Sunderland (University of Oxford)
Find out more about the Centre for the History of Childhood: https://www.history.ox.ac.uk/centre-history-childhood or @HistChildOxford
Join the Centre’s mailing list: https://web.maillist.ox.ac.uk/ox/info/history-of-childhood
Image: Youth March for Integrated Schools, Washington, DC, 25 October 1958. Records of the National Park Service, Photograph 79-LM-D-9: docsteach.org/documents/document/integration-youth-march