Park Building, University of Portsmouth
One day Conference, University of Portsmouth
Conference topics may include, but are not restricted to, the following themes:
- Women and pacifism, peace movements
- Women and patriotism
- Women and war work
- Women and the state/social policy/welfare
- Women’s wartime writing
- Women war artists
- The women’s movement
- Religion
- Women and voluntarism
- Women and domestic life/leisure
- Women, gender and sexuality
- Mourning and bereavement
- Poetry, plays and film
- Commemoration and heritage
Confirmed speakers so far include: Maggie Andrews, Alison Fell and Lucy Noakes.
The cost (which includes all teas and coffees) is £20 for delegates and £10 for students. Free places for non-university affiliated people local to Portsmouth. There are cafes/a supermarket within one minute walking distance from the venue. To book a place please go to http://www.port.ac.uk/centre-for-european-and-international-studies-research/events/women-gender-and-the-first-world-war/ We are able to offer a limited number of free places for non-university affiliated people who are local to Portsmouth.
Local information: http://www.visitportsmouth.co.uk
The Conference is supported by the AHRC funded Gateways to the First World War Public Engagement Centre, the Southern Region of the Women’s History Network and the Centre for European and International Studies Research (CEISR), University of Portsmouth.
It is intended that a selection of the papers will form a Special Issue of the journal Women’s History Review and/or an edited book.