Seventy Years Since World War Two: Seven Decades of Shifting Boundaries in Eastern Europe

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Date / time: 16 December - 17 December, All day

Tel Aviv University

Seventy Years Since World War Two: Seven Decades of Shifting Boundaries in Eastern Europe

This conference aims to reexamine the impact of World War II on national, political, economic, social and conceptual boundaries, focusing on events in East-Central Europe. It wishes to bring together researchers from different disciplines in the humanities and social sciences and a variety of perspectives and viewpoints on the study of Eastern Europe during and after WWII, in order to look into long-term and deep changes that occurred in this region as a result of the war. While the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Communist Bloc did erase some of the old borders, a wide range of demarcation lines remain, and they affect the way those countries deal with the challenges they face today.

Please note: The conference will be held in English