CFP. 950th Anniversary of 1066: A Millennium(ish) of Immigration, Integration, and Invasion

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Date / time: 7 June, 12:00 am

Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London

CFP. 950th Anniversary of 1066: A Millennium(ish) of Immigration, Integration, and Invasion

HistoryLab Annual Postgraduate Conference.

The HistoryLab is the national network for postgraduate students in history and related disciplines and is based at the Institute of Historical Research in London.

2016 is the 950th anniversary of the Norman Conquest. 1066 was not the first large-scale invasion of the British Isles, but it is the best remembered for its lasting effects on English, and later British, culture, politics, language, and identity. This conference, however, is not solely concerned with the Norman invasion. It focuses on its wider ramifications and posits it as an entry point for exploring broader themes, involving the merging of peoples and cultures, and the forging of new nations, spaces, and identities. It examines forces that are not peculiar to England of the 11th century, and seeks to consider the human species as both invaders and nomads in a wide variety of contexts.

Proposals are invited for papers and three-paper panels covering all periods of history and all geographic areas. We welcome interdisciplinary approaches. Topics that might be addressed include:

  • Geographies and patterns of migration
  • Imperial conquest
  • Colonial emigration
  • Immigration for the purposes of labour
  • Forced emigration
  • Nation building, national identities, and nationalism
  • Cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism
  • Experiences of immigrant communities
  • Globalisation and international trade patterns
  • Geopolitics and international relations
  • Gender, race, and religion
  • Diasporic communications and networks of influence

Please submit all proposals for 20-minute papers and panels or any queries you may have to with ‘HistoryLab Conference’ in the subject line.