Register for the event at: https://cambridgegradhpt2021.eventbrite.co.uk.
To be held via Zoom.
Conference Schedule
31 March 2021
9:00-10:30 Education and Aristotelian Ethics
Abigail Staysa (Notre Dame): Aristotle on Pleasure and Prudence in the Nicomachean Ethics
Angelo Antonio Pires de Oliveira (Universidade de Campinas): Aristotle and His So-called Educational Elitism in the Nicomachean Ethics: a (re)examination
Comment: Dr Carol Atack (Cambridge)
10:30-11:00 – Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Judgement, Virtue, and Education in Early Modern Intellectual History
Eli Bernstein (Oxford): Judgment, Pedagogy and Political Thought in the Essais of Michel de Montaigne, c.1571-1592
Yiyang Zhuge (Boston College): A New Model of Citizenship: Descartes as the First Educator of Modernity
Comment: Dr Lisa Kattenberg (Cambridge)
12:30-13:45 – Lunch
13:45-15:15 Self-Fashioned Ties: From the Family to the Community
Abbie LeBlanc (McGill): What Sophie Sees: Property and Family in Rousseau’s Émile
Elisavet Papalexopoulou (European University Institute): “Friends of the muses”: Greek women and education in the early nineteenth century
Comment: Sylvana Tomaselli (Cambridge)
15:15-15:30 – Coffee Break
15:30-17:00: In and Against Colonialism: Education as the site of Emancipation and Control
Niyousha Bastani (Cambridge): The Education of Others: Psychology and Twentieth Century “Racial Improvement”
Salmoli Choudhuri (Cambridge): Reimagining the Political Through Aesthetic Education in Rabindranath Tagore
Comment: Dr Luna Sebastian (Cambridge)
17:00-17:20 – Coffee Break
17:20-18:00 Keynote
Dr Hannah Dawson (King’s College London): Feminism and Education