Christ Church, Oxford

To mark the 400th anniversary, Christ Church will host a one-day event on Tuesday, 7 November 2023, comprising a symposium, exhibition in the glorious Upper Library, and evensong, ending with a small drinks reception in the cathedral Chapter House to launch the new Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music (DIAMM) facsimiles of Byrd’s Liber Sacrarum Cantionum I & II (1589 & 91) and his joint publication with Thomas Tallis, Cantiones Sacrae (1575). The speakers confirmed for the symposium are:
Katherine Butler, Northumbria University
Julia Craig-McFeely, DIAMM
Samuel Teague, Christ Church Library
Magnus Williamson, University of Newcastle
There will be a £20 registration fee (£10 for students/unwaged), which will include refreshments (not including lunch) and the drinks reception.
Event Itinerary:
09.00 | Registration
10.00 | Welcome from the Dean, The Very Revd Professor Sarah Foot
10.15 | Session One, Katherine Butler, ‘Jestbooks and Drinking Songs: William Byrd and Popular Culture’ & Samuel Teague, ‘Byrd and the Music Collection at Christ Church’
11.15 | Coffee Break
11.45 – 13.00 | Exhibition on William Byrd, taken from the Library’s Special Collections (Upper Library*)
13.00 | Lunch**
14.30 | Session Two, Julia Craig-McFeely, ‘A Byrd of Paradise in a Twenty-first-century Cage’ & Magnus Williamson, ‘The Early Byrd: John Baldwin’s Testimony’
15.30 | Tea Break & Recess
18.00 | Choral Evensong (Cathedral, sung by the Cathedral Choir)
19.00 | Drinks Reception (Chapter House)
Tickets are available from the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/byrd-400-a-celebration-at-christ-church-oxford-tickets-656602665247?aff=oddtdtcreator
* We regret that access to the Upper Library is by a large spiral staircase only, and may cause difficulty for anyone with limited mobility.
** Lunch is not provided, but can be easily found in the city centre.