British Agricultural History Society Spring Conference: Historical Perspectives on Rural Economies, Societies, Landscapes and Environment

Date / time: 30 September, 12:00 am

British Agricultural History Society Spring Conference: Historical Perspectives on Rural Economies, Societies, Landscapes and Environment


Call for Papers, deadline – 30 September 2022

Historical Perspectives on Rural Economies, Societies, Landscapes and Environment

Call for papers for the 71st annual British Agricultural History Society Spring Conference, to be held at the University of Nottingham (Jubilee Campus), 14-15 April 2023. We are interested in receiving proposals for papers, panels or roundtables on any aspect of the history of agriculture and of the wider rural economy, society, landscapes and environments, particularly in relation to the history of Britain and Ireland, but including comparative European or global contexts.

We are keen to encourage papers from doctoral or post-doctoral researchers, and travel bursaries may be available to doctoral/post-doctoral researchers for this event (please indicate whether you will be applying for such awards with your proposal).

The British Agricultural History Society strongly believes that diverse perspectives are essential to creating a strong community of agricultural and rural historians. Therefore, we particularly welcome applications from groups who are underrepresented in the field.

Paper Proposals:

Proposals for individual papers (30 mins duration + questions) should consist of:

  • A paper title (20 words maximum).
  • A description of the main themes of the paper (200 words maximum).
  • Name and institutional/organisation affiliation (if any).
  • Indication of whether you are a doctoral or post-doctoral early career scholar.

Panel Proposals:

Panel proposals should normally consist of several papers on a related theme. Each panel will be 2 hours including questions, so individual papers should reflect this length. Proposals should consist of:

  • A title for the panel and each of the papers (20 words maximum each).
  • Explanation of the overall theme for the panel (100 words maximum).
  • Description of the main themes to be covered by each paper (200 words maximum).
  • Names and institutional/organisational affiliations (if any) of panel participants.

Roundtable Proposals:

Roundtable proposals should consist of several speakers discussing a related topic (for example a key theme, publication or source type). Each panel will be 1 hour- 90mins including questions. Proposals should consist of:

  • A title for the roundtable (20 words maximum).
  • Explanation of the overall theme for the roundtable (100 words maximum).
  • Names and institutional/organisational affiliations (if any) of roundtable participants.

While these represent our usual forms of events, we are also open to alternative ideas and welcome proposals for other types of contribution which can add to our understanding of agricultural history.


Proposals should be submitted to the society’s secretary (, by 30 September 2022. Successful applicants will be informed by end November 2022.