Britain and the World Announces 2023 Conference Call for Papers

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Date / time: 4 November, 12:00 am

Duquesne University


Call for Papers for the 2023 Britain and the World Conference, Pittsburgh PA, US

Deadline – 4 November 2022

After this year’s successful return to in-person conferencing, in Plymouth, UK, we return to the US next: Thursday 20 to Saturday 22 April 2023 at Duquesne University.

We are delighted to be able to announce our plenary speakers: Marcus Rediker, of the University of Pittsburgh, and Heather Streets-Salter, of Northeastern University, and Carole Levin of the University of Nebraska will be in conversation.

As ever, the conference is concerned with interactions between Britain and the wider world from the sixteenth century to the present and will highlight the importance of transnational perspectives. As a conference and society concerned with British Studies, we welcome papers from relevant disciplines on all topics and periods.

We accept individual twenty-minute talks as well as complete panel submissions and roundtables. Abstracts should be 250-300 words. Panels are expected to consist of three or four papers and should be submitted by one person who is willing to serve as the point of contact. Complete panels should also include a chair. In addition to abstracts for each individual paper, panel and roundtable submissions should also include a 100-150-word introduction describing the main theme, and a set of keywords. The conference does not discriminate between panels and individual paper submissions, nor among graduate students, established academics, and independent scholars.

The conference will be in-person, though there may be some provision for virtual participation. Please state your preference with your proposal.

The conference will be held on the campus of Duquesne University, located in Downtown Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Airport is well connected, with direct flights from London Heathrow as well as most major U.S. cities. Social events for each of the four evenings of conference are already planned.

As usual we will be awarding a prize for the best conference paper, which will include conditional acceptance for publication in the peer-reviewed Britain and World journal (Edinburgh University Press). All conference participants are eligible.

The publisher of our book series, Palgrave Macmillan’s history commissioning editor will be at the conference. The editor of our journal Britain and the World will also be present, and both book series and journal editors would be very happy to discuss proposals and submissions to each.

All submissions for inclusion in the conference should be received by Friday, 4 November 2022 with decisions announced by Friday, 18 November 2022. Submissions should be made via our online portal:

Updates regarding the conference will periodically be posted on the BATW website ( It is hoped that participants will be able to call upon their departments for hotel and transportation expenses as the Society – which is non-profit – is not able to offer financial support.

On Twitter our @BATW_tweets hashtag for this conference is #BATW2023. Registration for the Conference will open in 2023. Rates will be forthcoming, along with lodging and other details. If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to email:

And please share this CFP! Thank you.

Image: Duquesne Crest Canevin – Wiki Commons