BALH Local History Day

Date / time: 6 June, All day

BALH Local History Day

British Association for Local History (BALH) Local History day 2020

Saturday 6 June, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1R 7HU

We will have two presentations on topical aspects of local history that are relevant to our members and friends throughout the United Kingdom, demonstrating the up to date research that is in progress.

In the morning Professor Catherine Clarke, head of the new Centre for People, Places and Community at the IHR will ask the question ‘What is Local History?’ and suggest some answers. You might like to be thinking how you would respond to the query?

The BALH Annual Lecture will be given by Professor Andrew Hopper, from the Centre for English Local History at the University of Leicester, who will consider ‘the Human costs of the British Civil Wars’.

The British Civil Wars were a time of terrible conflict. In England and Wales alone, a greater proportion of the population died than in the First World War. For those who survived, thousands suffered for years from painful injuries, whilst widows and orphans faced daily struggles for subsistence as a result of bereavement.

This lecture will examine how wounded soldiers, war widows and other dependents negotiated with local and national authorities in order to obtain pensions and welfare. It will draw on the work of the AHRC-funded project ‘Conflict, Welfare and Memory during and after the English Civil Wars, 1642-1710’ (2017-21) and will showcase some of the documents on the project’s website:

In addition the programme includes the BALH Annual General Meeting, and presentation of certificates for the three categories of BALH Awards for Local History. These are to encourage research and publication, to recognise individual personal achievement, and for a society newsletter.

There will be bookstalls and society displays to browse during the lunch break.

For further information and to register:

£30 Non-Member Rate (BALH Members £25)

BALH Member? Please sign in to access the discounted rate.