Bangor Univesity, Main Arts Building
The Eighth Bangor Colloquium on Medieval Wales will be held over the weekend of 22-23 October, 2016, at Bangor University. The principal aim of this biennial colloquium is to provide a forum for scholars and others with an interest in medieval Welsh history and its connections to the wider world.
Prior to the start of the colloquium, the Fourth J. E. Lloyd Lecture will be delivered by Dr Llinos Beverley Smith on the evening of Friday the 21st of October.
More information will be available over the coming months, including the programme and accommodation/registration details, on the Medieval Wales Colloquium website: http://medieval-wales.bangor.ac.uk/index.php.en.
Please feel free to contact the organisers (Prof. Huw Pryce, Dr Euryn Rhys Roberts and Dr Owain Wyn Jones) with any questions at cymruoesoeddcanol@bangor.ac.uk.