Morning Curator Tour: Cold War Scotland - GUIDED TOURSMorning Curator Tour: Cold War Scotland – GUIDED TOURS
22 August - 29 October
National Museum of Scotland
AVaTAR: An Exhibition of Rare Oriental Books - EXHIBITIONAVaTAR: An Exhibition of Rare Oriental Books – EXHIBITION
16 September - 20 October
Roehampton University
Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies - CALL FOR PAPERSPacific Coast Conference on British Studies – CALL FOR PAPERS
25 September - 20 December

'British History Today' - CALL FOR PAPERS‘British History Today’ – CALL FOR PAPERS
26 September - 24 January

Official History: Past, Present and Future Seminar Series - SEMINAROfficial History: Past, Present and Future Seminar Series – SEMINAR
2 October - 4 December

Scottish Church History Society Autumn Conference - CALL FOR PAPERSScottish Church History Society Autumn Conference – CALL FOR PAPERS
14 October
Edinburgh Theological Seminary
The Problem with (Historical) Processes: Reflections on an Undertheorized Topic - LECTUREThe Problem with (Historical) Processes: Reflections on an Undertheorized Topic – LECTURE
15 October
German Historical Institute London (and via Zoom)
Technological & Ideological Modernities (Comparative Modernities Autumn Term Workshop Series 2024/25) - WORKSHOPTechnological & Ideological Modernities (Comparative Modernities Autumn Term Workshop Series 2024/25) – WORKSHOP
15 October

Centre for Comparative Modernities Autumn Term 2024/25 Workshop Series - WORKSHOPSCentre for Comparative Modernities Autumn Term 2024/25 Workshop Series – WORKSHOPS
15 October - 12 November

Sixty years on from the London County Council: Legacy, Impact, Learning - CALL FOR PAPERSSixty years on from the London County Council: Legacy, Impact, Learning – CALL FOR PAPERS
16 October

Converging Influences in the History of Western Herbal Medicine & Practice - CONFERENCEConverging Influences in the History of Western Herbal Medicine & Practice – CONFERENCE
16 October
The Medical Society of London
Performing Magic in the pre-Modern North October 2024 Conference - CONFERENCEPerforming Magic in the pre-Modern North October 2024 Conference – CONFERENCE
17 October - 18 October

20th Anniversary Lecture: The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Past, Present, and Future - LECTURE20th Anniversary Lecture: The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Past, Present, and Future – LECTURE
17 October
The Chancellor’s Hall, London
Taming the Land? Power, Exploitation and Awe in Medieval Scotland | Dr Fiona Watson delivers the second Jenny Wormald Lecture - LECTURETaming the Land? Power, Exploitation and Awe in Medieval Scotland | Dr Fiona Watson delivers the second Jenny Wormald Lecture – LECTURE
18 October
Cowane’s Hospital, Stirling (and Online)
Call for Chapter Contributions: Clerical Lives in England and Wales, c. 1600–1800 - CALL FOR PAPERSCall for Chapter Contributions: Clerical Lives in England and Wales, c. 1600–1800 – CALL FOR PAPERS
18 October

The South-West in the Napoleonic Wars - SYMPOSIUMThe South-West in the Napoleonic Wars – SYMPOSIUM
19 October
University of the West of England, Bristol
The South-West and the Napoleonic Wars - SYMPOSIUMThe South-West and the Napoleonic Wars – SYMPOSIUM
19 October
Regional Heritage Centre, UWE, Bristol
Advanced Study Institute of Asia at SGT University International Conference | 'Monsoon: The Sphere of Cultural and Trade Influence' - CALL FOR PAPERSAdvanced Study Institute of Asia at SGT University International Conference | ‘Monsoon: The Sphere of Cultural and Trade Influence’ – CALL FOR PAPERS
20 October

Local Modernity: Agency, Entanglement, and the Making of the Modern Middle East - LECTURELocal Modernity: Agency, Entanglement, and the Making of the Modern Middle East – LECTURE
21 October
German Historical Institute London
Health, Wellbeing and the Arts in the Nineteenth Century - CALL FOR PAPERSHealth, Wellbeing and the Arts in the Nineteenth Century – CALL FOR PAPERS
21 October

Museums and Passing On: Lives Left Behind in Objects - LECTUREMuseums and Passing On: Lives Left Behind in Objects – LECTURE
23 October
The Fountain Suite, Keech Hospice Care, Luton
The Waterloo Association Autumn Lecture Weekend - CONFERENCEThe Waterloo Association Autumn Lecture Weekend – CONFERENCE
25 October - 27 October
The Bull Hotel, Peterborough
Anselm the Fool: Meditation and the Joy of Unbelief in the Proslogion - LECTUREAnselm the Fool: Meditation and the Joy of Unbelief in the Proslogion – LECTURE
25 October
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto (and Online)
Scottish Society for Art History Study Day 2025: Art & Text - CALL FOR PAPERSScottish Society for Art History Study Day 2025: Art & Text – CALL FOR PAPERS
25 October

Bishop Bubwith Sixth Centenary Symposium - SYMPOSIUMBishop Bubwith Sixth Centenary Symposium – SYMPOSIUM
27 October - 28 October
Wells Cathedral, Somerset
The Winding Stair: Inside the Bitter Rivalry of Edward Coke and Francis Bacon (and its consequences) - LECTUREThe Winding Stair: Inside the Bitter Rivalry of Edward Coke and Francis Bacon (and its consequences) – LECTURE
28 October
The Inner Temple Lecture Theatre (and online)
Comparative Approaches to Power and Dependency in the High Middle Ages: A Workshop in Honour of Alheydis Plassmann and Björn Weiler - CALL FOR PAPERSComparative Approaches to Power and Dependency in the High Middle Ages: A Workshop in Honour of Alheydis Plassmann and Björn Weiler – CALL FOR PAPERS
28 October

Layered Levantine Identities: The Glavany Family’s Networks and Built Legacy in the Ottoman Empire and Beyond - LECTURELayered Levantine Identities: The Glavany Family’s Networks and Built Legacy in the Ottoman Empire and Beyond – LECTURE
29 October

Anthropocene Histories Seminar: Experimental Histories in the Anthropocene - SEMINARAnthropocene Histories Seminar: Experimental Histories in the Anthropocene – SEMINAR
30 October

Annual Dr Williams’s Lecture 2024 | George Herbert’s Poetry and the Dissenting Tradition - LECTUREAnnual Dr Williams’s Lecture 2024 | George Herbert’s Poetry and the Dissenting Tradition – LECTURE
30 October
Institute of Historical Research, Senate House London
EHS Winter Meeting: The Church and the Military - CALL FOR PAPERSEHS Winter Meeting: The Church and the Military – CALL FOR PAPERS
30 October

Sources to Data: Recording, Sorting, and Analysing Historical Sources Digitally - WORKSHOPSources to Data: Recording, Sorting, and Analysing Historical Sources Digitally – WORKSHOP
30 October
Institute of Historical Research, London
The Cultural Legacies of Corruption in Europe, 1500 - Today - CALL FOR PAPERSThe Cultural Legacies of Corruption in Europe, 1500 – Today – CALL FOR PAPERS
31 October
Warwick’s Palazzo in Venice on the Grand Canal
The Sexual Politics of Liberal Internationalism, 1990s to the Present - CALL FOR PAPERSThe Sexual Politics of Liberal Internationalism, 1990s to the Present – CALL FOR PAPERS
31 October

Dockyard and Shipyard support for the Battle of the Atlantic in the Second World War - CALL FOR PAPERSDockyard and Shipyard support for the Battle of the Atlantic in the Second World War – CALL FOR PAPERS
31 October
University of Greenwich
The Historic Society of Lancashire & Cheshire: 175th Anniversary Awards and Annual Grants - CALL FOR SUBMISSIONSThe Historic Society of Lancashire & Cheshire: 175th Anniversary Awards and Annual Grants – CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS
31 October

Government Print in Early Modern Europe: Law, Politics and Printers | The First COMLAWEU Conference - CALL FOR PAPERSGovernment Print in Early Modern Europe: Law, Politics and Printers | The First COMLAWEU Conference – CALL FOR PAPERS
31 October

Army Records Society Fellowship Scheme - CALL FOR APPLICATIONSArmy Records Society Fellowship Scheme – CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
31 October

The Funds for Women Graduates Theodora Bosanquet Bursary - CALL FOR APPLICATIONSThe Funds for Women Graduates Theodora Bosanquet Bursary – CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
31 October

Crisis, Continuity, and Transformation in Eighteenth-Century Studies - CALL FOR PAPERSCrisis, Continuity, and Transformation in Eighteenth-Century Studies – CALL FOR PAPERS
1 November

Humanities Now! A Symposium for Learning and Teaching the Humanities in Post-92 Universities - CALL FOR PAPERSHumanities Now! A Symposium for Learning and Teaching the Humanities in Post-92 Universities – CALL FOR PAPERS
1 November

Governing the Global Economy in the Long Twentieth Century - CALL FOR PAPERSGoverning the Global Economy in the Long Twentieth Century – CALL FOR PAPERS
1 November

The U.S. Presidential Election: What to Expect - LECTUREThe U.S. Presidential Election: What to Expect – LECTURE
4 November
York St John University (and Online)
Workhouse Lives V: Sex and Violence in the Workhouse - LECTUREWorkhouse Lives V: Sex and Violence in the Workhouse – LECTURE
5 November - 1 July

Engaging Academia in TV - CONFERENCEEngaging Academia in TV – CONFERENCE
6 November

Shipbuilding in Kent Conference - CONFERENCEShipbuilding in Kent Conference – CONFERENCE
7 November - 8 November
Chatham Historic Dockyard
History UK: Disability and History Project - SURVEYHistory UK: Disability and History Project – SURVEY
8 November

Lost In Time: Intellectual History before the Guillotine - CALL FOR PAPERSLost In Time: Intellectual History before the Guillotine – CALL FOR PAPERS
10 November
Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, University College London
The 1630 Bible in Wales - SEMINARThe 1630 Bible in Wales – SEMINAR
12 November
Roderic Bowen Library UWTSD, Lampeter
Mary Somerville: A Mathematician in Regency London: A Talk by Brigitte Stenhouse - LECTUREMary Somerville: A Mathematician in Regency London: A Talk by Brigitte Stenhouse – LECTURE
12 November
Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre
Named Awards and the Influence of Kate Greenaway on Illustrations and Illustrators - LECTURENamed Awards and the Influence of Kate Greenaway on Illustrations and Illustrators – LECTURE
12 November
The Portico Library, Manchester
'Scots and the Environment': Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society Conference, 2025 - CALL FOR PAPERS‘Scots and the Environment’: Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society Conference, 2025 – CALL FOR PAPERS
15 November
University of Stirling, Scotland
Police History Conference - CONFERENCEPolice History Conference – CONFERENCE
15 November - 17 November
Police Federation House, Leatherhead
Anti-corruption, Good Governance and a Public Service Ethos: Improving Standards of Administrative Conduct since the 19th Century - SYMPOSIUMAnti-corruption, Good Governance and a Public Service Ethos: Improving Standards of Administrative Conduct since the 19th Century – SYMPOSIUM
15 November

Collective Emotions: Jane Harrison, A Talk on the Interplay of Myth and Ritual in Ancient Greece, by Sue Blundell - LECTURECollective Emotions: Jane Harrison, A Talk on the Interplay of Myth and Ritual in Ancient Greece, by Sue Blundell – LECTURE
19 November
Senate House Library, London
National Intelligence History Conference - CONFERENCENational Intelligence History Conference – CONFERENCE
20 November - 22 November

Dr Helen Boyle: Pioneer in Mental Health Care for Women: A Talk by Mary Chapman - LECTUREDr Helen Boyle: Pioneer in Mental Health Care for Women: A Talk by Mary Chapman – LECTURE
26 November

The Unpublished Fleurieu Chart, with Patrick Llewellyn - LECTUREThe Unpublished Fleurieu Chart, with Patrick Llewellyn – LECTURE
26 November
National Library of Australia (and Online)
Hybrid Symposium: ‘Trieste and the Levant’ - SYMPOSIUMHybrid Symposium: ‘Trieste and the Levant’ – SYMPOSIUM
27 November
Senate House, London
Developing and Writing Funding Applications - WORKSHOPDeveloping and Writing Funding Applications – WORKSHOP
28 November

The U.S. Presidential Election: Where Do We Go From Here? - LECTUREThe U.S. Presidential Election: Where Do We Go From Here? – LECTURE
3 December
York St John University (and Online)
Databases for Historians | December 2024 - WORKSHOPDatabases for Historians | December 2024 – WORKSHOP
3 December - 6 December
Institute of Historical Research, London
BALH Dymond Lecture 2024: English Merchant Shipping and Early Modern Maritime Communities, c.1588–c.1765 - LECTUREBALH Dymond Lecture 2024: English Merchant Shipping and Early Modern Maritime Communities, c.1588–c.1765 – LECTURE
5 December

1945/2025: Reflections on the Second World War - CALL FOR PAPERS1945/2025: Reflections on the Second World War – CALL FOR PAPERS
6 December
University of Edinburgh
Opportunities for Engagement and Impact through History & Policy - WORKSHOPOpportunities for Engagement and Impact through History & Policy – WORKSHOP
6 December

Online Sources for Historians - WORKSHOPOnline Sources for Historians – WORKSHOP
10 December
Institute of Historical Research, London
Schooling for Empire, c. 1750-c.1945 - CALL FOR PAPERSSchooling for Empire, c. 1750-c.1945 – CALL FOR PAPERS
15 January
Institute of Historical Research, London
Benn Legacy Conference - CALL FOR PAPERSBenn Legacy Conference – CALL FOR PAPERS
12 April - 13 April
University of Westminster