Workshop. War and economy, 1688-1815

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Date / time: 17 November, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Henley Business School, University of Reading

Workshop. War and economy, 1688-1815

Workshop, War and economy, 1688-1815. Henley Business School, G03 from 14:00 – 17:00

Dr Richard Blakemore (University of Reading), Warfare and labour at sea, 1580-1730

Dr Helen Paul (University of Southampton), Naval convoying from the point of view of the contractors

Dr Aaron Graham (UCL), War and economy in the West Indies during the 18th century 

Prof. Sylvia Marzagalli (Institut Universitaire de France), Coping with maritime warfare: merchants’ strategies and United States neutrality (1793-1812)

Dr Patrik Winton (University of Uppsala), The consequences of the Swedish default in 1812 and the Danish monetary reforms in 1813

Attendance is free but please confirm by email to Joel Felix or 0118 378 7336