The National Archives
Dr Paul Carter (The National Archives) will look at welfare in the Victorian period. Most accounts from the time were written from the standpoint of the legislators.
Yet thousands of pauper letters survive in “the poor law archive” and many of these dispute official accounts of how the poor were treated at a local level. This lecture will seek to examine how those who controlled the official administrative processes also controlled the ‘official’ versions of events regarding pauper treatment.
Every Wednesday in August 2017, we are hosting The National Archives summer lecture series, sponsored by the Friends of The National Archives and supported by the Royal Historical Society.
The theme for this series is Secrets and lies: Suppression, distortion and fiction in past societies. Each lecture will start at 17:30. There will be light refreshments and a document display before the lecture, 16:45-17:30.
To register go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/unheard-ignored-and-misrepresented-the-victorian-pauper-in-their-own-write-tickets-34881969911