Full details at https://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/london/whats-going-on/events/conference-2020-the-raf-in-a-world-transformed/
The Royal Air Force Museum will host a Virtual Conference exploring the RAF’s transition from war to peace on 28–29 September 2020.
The Conference is FREE to attend and consists of an exciting line-up of speakers covering a wide range of areas including panels exploring Industry, Technology and Environmental Perspectives; RAF Operations in South-East Asia; Post-War Operational Design and Policy; and Fostering Air Forces? The RAF and its International Relationships. In addition to these panels, the conference will include papers which present research on The Potsdam raid, 1945; The Search for Missing Aircrew; From War to Windrush; Post-War Female RAF Service; Air Ministry Interpretations of the RAF’s wartime history; and Exercise Thunderbolt: Objective assessment of the Bomber Offensive or the Air Staff view of history?The conference will feature a keynote address on ‘The Flyer Confronts the Post-War Age: Survival, Guilt and Politics’ given by Martin Francis author of The Flyer: British Culture and the Royal Air Force, 1939–1949 and Ideas and Policies Under Labour, 1945–1951
The Conference Papers will explore themes related to:
- The RAF in the Far East
- Air Power
- Science, Technology, and Industry
- Environmental Perspectives
- The RAF and Windrush
- Research and Design
- The RAF’s interpretation of role in the Second World War
- Strategic Bombing
- Post-War Operational Design and Policy
- Social History
- The RAF and International Relations
Speakers will be livestreamed from the RAF Museum lecture theatre and panels will be followed by a Q&A with the online audience