‘The most furious and killing weapons’: A History of Weapons and Warfare. Call for Papers, deadline 1 Nov 2021

Date / time: 1 November, 12:00 am

'The most furious and killing weapons': A History of Weapons and Warfare. Call for Papers, deadline 1 Nov 2021


The History of Weapons and Warfare Symposium will be held online on 28 January 2022 with the Society of the History of War, the University of Sheffield and Manchester Metropolitan University.

The symposium welcomes contributions from across historical periods and geographies on the broad theme of weapons, warfare, and society. We are prioritising papers from PhD students, early career researchers and those working in non-tenured positions or outside universities.

The symposium aims to shed light on areas of military histories and the history of weapons often unrepresented in established scholarship, especially those related to: arms production; the arms trade; and social and cultural histories of weapons and war.

The deadline for abstracts is 1 November 2021, and we will inform applicants of an outcome early that month,Areas may include, but are not limited to:

  • Global and local approaches
  • The development of arms and armour
  • Weapons trade
  • Weapons cultures and cultures of violence
  • Arms and Identity
  • Gender histories of war and weapons
  • Arms and the experience of war

Please send abstracts, along with a brief bio of your work and research interests to: Historyofweaponsandwarfare@gmail.com

Links to attend will be sent closer to the event.