Sources for Scottish Catholic History

Date / time: 5 October, 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Sources for Scottish Catholic History

An afternoon symposium celebrating and showcasing archival sources relating to Scottish Catholic history, and the research based on them.

The Scottish Catholic Historical Association, kindly hosted by the Special Collections of the University of Aberdeen, is organising an afternoon symposium celebrating and showcasing archival sources relating to Scottish Catholic history, and the research based on them.

In addition to three speakers covering the medieval, early modern and modern research interests, the University of Aberdeen Special Collections has agreed to showcase some treasures from their collections.

Provisional programme:

  • 12.00-13.15 Registration and Lunch
  • 13.15-13.20 Welcome
  • 13.20-14.00 Dr Joanna Tucker, University of Glasgow: ‘The Medieval Cartularies in the Scottish Catholic Archives and their Significance’
  • 14.00-14.40 Professor Gerard Carruthers, University of Glasgow: ‘Alexander Geddes (1737-1802): Lost Genius of Scottish Culture’
  • 14.40-15.20 Visit to Special Collections to view Archives
  • 15.20-15.40 Coffee
  • 15.40-16.20 Dr Iida Saarinen, University of Dundee: ‘Doctoral research and the (Untapped) Potential of the Scottish Catholic Archives (Historic Archives)’
  • 16.20-16.30 Wrap-up and thank you

Please let us know about any dietary requirements in advance.

Please book tickets here: 

Location: Sir Duncan Rice Library, University of Aberdeen, Bedford Road, Aberdeen AB24 3AA