The National Archives
Professor Chris Given-Wilson (University of St Andrews) will look at allegations of a type rarely made before in England, aimed at individuals at the highest level of society: principally, the royal family. Despite often thin evidence, these accusations could be remarkably successful at disgracing political opponents or usurping the throne.
Every Wednesday in August 2017, we are hosting the The National Archives summer lecture series, sponsored by the Friends of The National Archives and supported by the Royal Historical Society.
The theme for this series is Secrets and lies: Suppression, distortion and fiction in past societies. Each lecture will start at 17:30. There will be light refreshments and a document display before the lecture, 16:45-17:30.
To register go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sorcery-bastardy-and-the-english-royal-family-alternative-facts-in-15th-century-england-tickets-34880939830