New York University, room 102
An annual programme of seminars is run by the Society for Court Studies in which new work in the field is presented and discussed. These take place in London on weekday evenings, at 6pm at New York University, 6 Bedford square, London WC1B 3RA, room 102. Refreshments including wine are served.
The seminars are free (except the guest lecture) and open to everyone. For further details, please contact the Seminar Secretaries, Olivia Fryman (olivia.fryman@network.rca.ac.uk) and Nicola Clark (nicola.clark.2008@tandf.co.uk). Historians interested in giving a seminar paper to the Society should contact the Seminar Secretaries as well.
Forthcoming seminars
8 February 2016: Professor Arianne Chernock, Boston University ‘The right to reign versus the rights of women: Queen Victoria and the women’s movement in 19th-century Britain’
14 March 2016: Dr Samantha Howard, Historic Royal Palaces ‘The matchless Graces of her mind: The cultural patronage of Augusta, queen in waiting, regent and princess dowager’
18 April 2016: Dr Nicola Clark, Royal Holloway, University of London & University of Chichester ‘Not the Boleyn girls: The Howard women as courtiers, c. 1485-1553’
May 2016: Joint event with the IHR Tudor and Stuart Seminar – date and title to be confirmed
12 September 2016: Dr Stephen Brogan, Royal Holloway, University of London ‘The king touches you, God heals you’ Comparing the royal touch ceremonies of 17th-century England and France’
17 October 2016: Dr Jonathan Spangler, Manchester Metropolitan University ‘ Raising the spare: Four Monsieurs at the French Court, 1574-1795’
14 November 2016: Dr Jacqueline Riding, Birkbeck, University of London ‘His little hour of royalty’: Prince Charles Edward Stuart at the palace of Holyrood house’
5 December 2016: Professor Sara Smart, University of Exeter ‘The Brandenburg court of the Hohenzollerns’