We warmly welcome you to this syposium to be held on Thursday 4 July 2019 at the European Research Institute, University of Birmingham
Sociability in Early Modern Britain, c. 1500-1700: Who? Where? When Why?
Proceedings will begin at 10am and the day will end at 5.30pm with a wine reception. This event is free to attend: lunch, tea and coffee, and a wine reception afterwards are provided.The keynote speaker is Phil Withington, Professor in Social and Cultural History at the University of Sheffield. He will be giving a paper titled ‘The politics of sociability: the view from Robert Hooke’s diary’.
The panels are:
Panel 1: Gender and sociability.
- Naomi Pullin, University of Warwick, ‘Civil Adversaries: The Negative Sociability of Women in Early Modern Britain’.
- Elena Johnson, University of Sheffield, ‘“I was wont to have sober boorders in my house”: the selfish sociability of the landlady in seventeenth century stage comedies’.
- William Tullett, Anglia Ruskin University, ‘Bodies in the Belfry: Sociability, Gender, and Control, c.1734/5’.
Panel 2: Religion and sociability
- Anna Fielding, Manchester Metropolitan University, ‘Dinner Games across the Table’.
- Susan Orlik, University of Birmingham, ‘Sociability in the Early Modern Parish Church: the politics of inclusion and exclusion. “To Take theire plases where they shall not offend others”’.
- Helen Gair, Nottingham Trent University, ‘Sociability and the Church Court: The Disciplining of Social Behaviour in Early Modern Scotland, c. 1560-1600’.
Panel 3: The elite and sociability.
- Tom Rose, University of Nottingham, ‘“Itt gave mee opertunitys of good fellowship when wee mett sportive neybours in the field”: Hunting and the politics of inclusion and exclusion in early Stuart England.’
- Elisabeth Rébeillé-Borgella, University of Edinburgh, ‘Define oneself through the sociability: the journey of Esmé Stuart, an opportunist courtier’.
If you have any queries, please contact Tom Rose and Sophie Cope at ahxtjr@nottingham.ac.uk or get in contact with us on twitter @emsociability
Please sign up at our Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sociability-in-early-modern-britain-c-1500-1700-who-where-when-why-tickets-62039177851