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Date / time: 31 October, All day
Kings College
The Centre for Life-Writing Research, in collaboration with the Centre for Enlightenment Studies at King’s, is holding a day of talks by expert scholars to explore the colourful life of Sir John Hill and the complex world he moved in. Included in the programme will be Professor George Rousseau whose biography The Notorious Sir John Hill: The Man Destroyed by Ambition in the Age of Celebrity, offers an erudite, readable, compelling and original study of this fascinating man and his era.
Read more: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/ahri/eventrecords/2014-2015/CLWR/hillconf.aspx
To register for the talks go to: http://sirjohnhillconference.eventbrite.co.uk
Enquiries to: life-writing@kcl.ac.uk