Register here: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/history/ecc/eventsnew/premodernfakes/
One-day workshop, Friday November 4th, 2022
What is a fake? Why do they matter? And what do they tell us about the premodern world? These questions are common to a range of fields of premodern history. Historians of art, science, medicine, scholarship, and sociability have all turned to fakes as a way of illuminating major themes of early modernity, from religious polemic to global trade. This one-day workshop will bring these approaches together so that they can illuminate one another. Each speaker will discuss a particular kind of fake, from friends to gems to medical texts.
Confirmed participants:
Stefan Bauer (KCL and Warwick, History)
Michael Bycroft (Warwick, History)
Aysu Dincer (Warwick, History)
Caroline Petit (Warwick, Classics)
Naomi Pullin (Warwick, History)
Lucia Raggetti (Bologna, Philosophy and Communication).
The event will be in person, with the exception of a remote talk from Lucia Raggetti.
Venue: FAB5.03, Faculty of Arts Building, Warwick University