Mid-Career Academics in the Arts & Humanities

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Date / time: 1 December - 2 December, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Woburn Suite, G22/26, Ground Floor

Apply to the workshop at: https://www.history.ac.uk/events/mid-career-academics-arts-humanities

The School of Advanced Study is hosting a two-day workshop focusing on the challenges and opportunities faced by mid-career academics. We want to share information and resources, offering opportunities for peer-support and networking at this often over-looked (and highly pressured) career stage. Over two days, we will explore cross-disciplinary and disciplinary challenges at the mid-career stage, including leadership, mentoring & coaching, collaboration, researcher development, and assess how to sustain future mid-career networking.

Attendance at the workshop, which will start at 1.30pm on Thursday 1 December and end at 2pm on Friday 2 December.

Participation is free and a limited number of bursaries of up to £300 are available to support the travel and accommodation of participants based outside London or to help with other costs (such as childcare) to enable attendance.

Places are limited, so if you are interested, please register by Friday 28 October by filling out a form. Applicants will be informed of a decision by Monday 7 November.

We recognize that the term ‘mid-career’ is open to a range of interpretations, situations, and career stages. This event is aimed primarily at academics who have achieved employment stability but have not yet, or have only recently, been promoted to Professor.

Organizing committee: Professor Katherine Harloe, Director of Institute of Classical Studies; Professor Claire Langhamer, Director of Institute of Historical Research; Professor Clare Lees, Director of Institute of English Studies and Vice-Dean of School of Advanced Study; Professor Jane Winters, Professor of Digital Humanities and Director of the Digital Humanities Research Hub.

Provisional Workshop Programme

Day 1 | Cross Disciplinary Issues and Academic Life | 1 December 2022

13:30 | Arrival & Refreshments
14:00 | Session 1: Leadership roles and how to survive them
15:00 | Session 2: Mentoring & coaching led discussion
16:00 | Session 3: Building and Sustaining collaborations- a panel
17:15 | Reception

Day 2 | Discipline Specific Issues & Researcher Development |2 December 2022

09:30 | Arrival & Refreshments
10:00 | Session 1: What does a good career look like?
11:15 | Session 2: Disciplinary norms
12:30 | Lunch
13:30 | Closing roundtable and next steps

A full workshop programme will be sent to all successful applicants.