Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon

Keynote Speakers:Dr Matthew Bennett (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst), Professor João Gouveia Monteiro (Universidade de Coimbra)
War shaped the medieval world. It configured all kinds of social models and human processes, including political and economic systems, religious doctrines, cultural transformations, and changes of mindsets.
Following a previous meeting held at the University of Leeds in 2016 (Leeds Medieval Culture and War: Ideals, Representations, Realities), this conference, organised by the Centre of History of the University of Lisbon, will pursue the development of new approaches to medieval warfare by discussing spaces, images, and mentalities in interdisciplinary perspectives.
The conference will be held at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Letras de Universidade de Lisboa). On the third day participants are invited to join us for a visit to a museum with a medieval military collection. There will be a registration fee of €25.
The working language is English.
The organisers plan to publish selected papers presented during the conference in a peer-reviewed edited collection.
lisboncultureandwar@gmail.com https://cultureandwarconference.wordpress.com