We are delighted to share the programme of the ASMI annual conference ‘Labour and the Making of Italy from Cavour to Covid’ (3-4 December 2021).
The conference will be held online. To register for the conference and receive the links for the online sessions please follow the link below to the ASMI website:
ASMI Annual Conference 2021
Italian Cultural Institute in London (Online)
3-4 December 2021
Friday 3 December 2021
9.00 – 9.30: Welcome and introduction
9.30 – 11.00: Keynote Lecture: Maud Bracke (University of Glasgow), ‘Feminist thought and the question of work in the 20th Century’
11.00 – 11.15: Coffee break
11.15 – 12.45: Session 1
Panel 1.1: Genere, lavoro e precarietà nell’Italia contemporanea
Chair: TBC
Manfredi Alberti (University of Florence), Lavoro precario e disoccupazione in una prospettiva di genere dall’Unità all’inizio del NovecentoEloisa Betti (University of Bologna), Lavoratrici precarie tra casa e fabbrica nel trentennio gloriosoSandra Burchi (University of Pisa), Prima della pandemia, la precarietà. Donne che lavorano da casa oggi
Panel 1.2: Lights, camera, action! The labour of film in post-1945 Italy
Chair: TBC
Carla Mereu-Keating (University of Bristol), Working in the Dream Factory: Spatiality of Labour and Gender Specialisation in Italian Film StudiosCatherine O’Rawe (University of Bristol), The Non-Professional Child Actor as Worker in Post-War Cinema
Panel 1.3: Workers’ representation and industrial relations since the 1970s
Chair: TBC
Chiara Colangelo (University of Rome), L’“anno della rivolta dei professori” e la nascita dei Cobas scuolaStefano Gasparri (University of the West England, Bristol), Employee Benefits and Paternalistic Work Regimes. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Company Welfare in Italy.
Filippo Sbrana (University for Foreigners of Perugia), Sindacato, Mezzogiorno e Lega Nord
13.00 – 14.00: Lunch and virtual tour of the photographic exhibition ‘The Female Gaze: women and work in Italy since the 1950s’ (Italian Cultural Institute, London, 2-23 December 2021). The tour will be led by the curator Maria Chiara di Trapani and the exhibition’s organisers Eloisa Betti, Ilaria Favretto and Nico Pizzolato
14.00 – 15.30: Session 2
Panel 2.1: Changing labour markets and emerging forms of collective action in the Italian platform economy
Chair: TBC
Paolo Borghi (University of Milan) and Annalisa Murgia (University of Milan), Claiming rights by building forms of solidarity. Cross-sectoral, cross-organisational, and cross-border practices of food delivery riders
Marco Marrone (University of Venice), Rights Against the Machines! The struggle of food delivery workers and the ambivalences of digital labor in the Italian case of Riders Union Bologna
Arianna Tassinari (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies), Lorenzo Cini (Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa), Vincenzo Maccarrone (University College Dublin), With or Without U(nions)? Understanding the Diversity of Gig Workers’ Organizing Practices
Panel 2.2: Organised labour and conflict in newly unified Italy
Chair: TBC
Samuel Boscarello (Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa), Co-operating for the nation. The impact of Risorgimento on the birth of the Italian social economy
Giulio Taccetti (Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici di San Marino), Pratiche di resistenza rurale nell’Italia di fine Ottocento
Penelope Wickson (St Mary’s School, Calne), Coltura Promiscua: Giovanni Fattori’s Le Macchiaiole and Progressive Patriotism
Panel 2.3: Fiat workers: seen from without and within
Chair: TBC
Bruno Settis (Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa), Birth and Evolution of the Fiat Survaillance SystemVanessa Coscia (University of Buenos Aires), Lavorare alla Fiat di Melfi: rappresentazioni, media e flessibilizzazione del lavoro
15.30 – 15.45: Coffee break
15.45 – 17.45 Session 3
Panel 3.1: Storia del lavoro nell’Italia contemporanea: studi, progetti, prospettive di ricercaChair: Stefano Musso (University of Turin)
Eloisa Betti (University of Bologna), Lavoro, genere e precarietà
Michele Colucci (ISSR-CNR), Lavoro e migrazioni: nuovi percorsi di ricerca sull’Italia repubblicana
Fabrizio Loreto (University of Turin), Sindacati, conflitti, contratti: i nodi della rappresentanza del lavoro
Anna Pellegrino (University of Bologna), La medicina del lavoro in Italia: studi, progetti, prospettive di ricerca
Panel 3.2: Work ethic(s) in modern and contemporary Italy
Chair: TBC
Mark Chu (University College Cork), A Micron’s Tolerance: ‘Made in Italy’ vs ‘Made in China’ in Amelio’s ‘La stella che non c’è’ and Perissinotto’s ‘Coordinate d’Oriente’
Federica Falchi (University of Cagliari), Mazzini e l’associazionismo: dalla Gran Bretagna alla “giovine” Italia: “Il voto, l’educazione, il lavoro; sono le tre colonne fondamentali della nazione”
Clementina Gentile Fusillo (University of Warwick), Il “Lavoro” nel pensiero di Aldo Moro
Erica Moretti (Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY), Young refugees and the ethics of the camp in the postwar Italy
Saturday 4 December 2021
9.15 – 9.30: Welcome and introduction
9.30 – 11.00: Session 4
Panel 4.1: Fascism and the working class: legality, modernity and violence
Chair: TBC
Laura Cerasi (University of Venice), A Fascist modernity. The constitutionalisation of labour and its shortcomings
John Foot (University of Bristol), Fascist Violence and the Working Class in Italy. Power and Powerlessness in post-World War One Italy
Irene Guerrini (Istituto ligure per la storia della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea) and Marco Pluviano (Istituto ligure per la storia della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea), 1938-1945. Workers from Fascist Italy to Nazi Germany: free and enforced labour
Panel 4.2: Sex + Work: Exploring the complex interplay of sexual labour and political recognition in Italy
Chair: TBC
Isabel Crowhurst (University of Essex), The ambiguous taxation of prostitution in Italy
Giulia Garofalo Geymonat (University of Venice) and Giulia Selmi (University of Verona), The Italian feminists (dis)alliances on prostitution and sex work: 1982-2020
Elena Zambelli (Lancaster University), Longing for the brothel: female prostitution in the making of Italy
Panel 4.3: Italian working marginalities: images, self-representations and identities
Chair: TBC
Stefano Agnoletto (BI-Norwegian Business School Oslo), Class and Ethnicity. The case study of Italian strikes in Toronto (1960-1961)
Giorgia Alù (University of Sydney), “A true slavery condition”: sulphur, subjection and modernity at the turn of the nineteenth century
Erica Grossi (University of Trieste), Da Terelle a Toronto. L’Atlante fotografico di una comunità migrante
11.00 – 11.15: Coffee break
11.15 – 12.45: Keynote Lecture: Andrea Sangiovanni (University of Teramo), ‘Il lavoro immaginario. Le rappresentazioni mediali del lavoro in Italia dal miracolo economico ad oggi’
12.45 – 13.30: Lunch
13.30-15.00: Session 5
Panel 5.1: Ideas and ideologies of work in post-1945 Italy
Chair: TBC
Stefano Adamo (Banja Luka University), Looking back on a not-quite-golden age: Recent literature of work and its ideology
Bianca Rita Cataldi (University College Dublin), “La disoccupazione sempre divide”: Labour, Alienation and Unemployment in Ottiero Ottieri’s ‘Donnarumma all’assalto’
Jacopo Ciammariconi (University of Trier), Dal rifiuto del lavoro alla precarietà: l’evoluzione del rapporto tra giovani e lavoro in Italia 1977-2002
Panel 5.2: Narrating and filming Italian workers in Italian colonies
Chair: TBC
Francesco Casales (Universities of Pavia and Paris 8- Vincennes/Saint Denis), Colonies at Work: Between Identity Production and Strategies of Resistance
Gianmarco Mancosu (University of Cagliari), ‘Il lavoro italiano in Africa’. Politics and Rhetoric about Italian industriousness in Colonial and Post-Colonial Films
Alessandro Pes (University of Cagliari), Un’esperienza di lavoro: narrazioni del colonialismo italiano in un mondo post-coloniale
Panel 5.3: Alternative narratives of labour in contemporary Italy: disability, migrants, and the underemployed
Chair: TBC
Alessandra Gissi (University of Naples “L’Orientale”), “Dall’Africa a Milano”. Female immigration and domestic labour in the 1960s and 1970s
Antonio Maria Pusceddu (CRIA, University Institute of Lisbon), Unemployment and collective utility: Work-income nexus and housewifization of labour in contemporary Italy
Martina Salvante (University of Nottingham), The right to work for people with disabilities: some preliminary considerations from an historical perspective
15.00 – 15.15: Coffee break
15.15 – 16.45: Session 6
Panel 6.1: Seeking a job abroad: Italian migrants in the 20th c.
Chair: Stefano Agnoletto
Monica Miscali (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway), Accordi bilaterali e conflitti. I primi lavoratori italiani in Norvegia nei primi del novecento
Giuliana Muscio (University of Padua), The ‘figurinaio’ from Lucchesia: exporting images of Italian art -TBC
Stefano Orazi (Istituto per la Storia del Risorgimento italiano, Comitato di Pesaro e Urbino), Organismi sociali a tutela dei lavoratori all’estero nel primo Novecento
Panel 6.2: Gendered meanings and memories of work across the political spectrum
Chair: TBC
Ettore Bucci (University of Pisa), Gender, work, faith…and revolution? The development of a general reflection and a public commitment through the ACLI’s women’s coordination (1957-1977)
Lia Perrone (Université Côte d’Azur and Università Cattolica, Milan), Le lotte (delle) operaie: memoria e racconto del lavoro femminile in fabbrica
Molly Tambor (Long Island University Post), Women and Police Reform in the ‘Polizia Femminile’, 1958-1981
17.00 – 18.30: (TBC) Screening of ‘Ragioni politiche. Incontro con Vittorio Foa’ (2000). Directed by Giuseppe Bertolucci and scripted by Giuseppe Bertolucci and Paul Ginsborg.
Paul Ginsborg will open and end with some remarks.
Conference organisers:
Ilaria Favretto (Kingston University)
Nico Pizzolato (Middlesex University)
The programme may be subject to minor changes. Any questions should be directed to Asmiconference2021@gmail.com